Fenwick School prepare the soil for spring
Young Archie tills the soil
Layla and Archie strikes a pose
Weeding round the peas that are growing well
Digging in ans preparing the soil. This will be one well dug over bed ready for planting.
Waitaki Valley School continue their late harvest garlic and shallot sowing
This week we learnt about 'seed saving' and had some lovely New Zealand Heritage tomatoes and chillis to cut up.
Finding the seeds
Spacing them out on a handy towel for drying.
Max did a great job watering and other students used recycled spray bottles to water
Students learnt how to make newspaper pockets
Filling the newspaper pockets with New Zealand Heritage tomato seeds that they just harvested
St Joseph's School have been enjoying their new watering system, which will make for a great growing season
St Joseph's continue to inspire with their harvesting for school events and social services through St Vincent de Paul. Here they harvested bags of lettuce and kale
Student's learn how to make newspaper pockets
Success!Filling the pockets with Tui vege mix and with some tomato seeds from the Waitaki Community Gardens
Pocekts filled with Tui mix and seeds and ready to go back to various classrooms to start them growing on sunny windowsills.
Pembroke School have been busy making more tins for our fundraiser!!!
Our exciting news is our upcoming fundraiser. An evening with two inspirational speakers. Friday 4th September at St Kevin's auditorium 7pm
Simple Truths for Complex Lives (Chris Skellett) and
Peaceful Mind, Compassionate Heart (Annwyn Hanham)Tickets are only $20 and all proceeds support the Kids Growing School Gardens Initiative. Enjoy two informative & inspirational talks, and support a good cause too!
To buy tickets, go to Health 2000, Oamaru Farmers' Market, Found, Kurow Museum and Info Centre or contact Anisha at Anisha.Lee@gmail.com or
Here is a facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/875513999206961/875514009206960/