The Waitaki Communiy Gardens received Lotteries Commission grants to give out to 10 lucky School Garden Clubs. Duntroon School received a $400 grant. The students and School Garden Co-ordinators, Mischa, Paige and Megan made up a wish list .
Hazelnuts, blueberry, cranberry, chestnut, pear and apple trees were purchased and a mass planting got underway.

Students excavated the worm farm for the vermicast to add to the soil for the new plantings

Some of the youngest students dug the first whole

River gives the soup a thumbs up. As garden club did a fundraiser during lunchtime with a a potato soup from the school garden spuds.

Tasty soup Mischa!!!
Room 4 have been enjoying Kids Growing curriculum in their classroom each week. Recently they made their own compost bags from food scraps. It was amazing to see the bags bio-degrade so quickly!!! within no time it looked like black soil!!

Students dug it into their class's garden patch
Student's love their new tunnel house! it was recently constructed and so warm inside