Monday, 20 June 2016

Papakio School make a great start to Garden Club

One class has made a worm farm and are studying worms and learning the worm song!
Students collected the worm juice
There was a lot of worm juice to collect
A large load of compost from Alliance has been delivered and the students get busy feeding the top of their new planter box beds

Some seeds were planted and taken back to class to get growing

The boxes have been made and the compost laid. Time to start sowing the seeds and some bee food
One class has been studying Bees and got to try some Waitaki Honey.  They have been looking at the importance of bee food and what plants are pollen and nectar rich.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Waitaki Valley School get busy

Classrooms have been visiting the garden and getting busy with Kid's Growing curriculum
Students got a stone art/plant labelling session underway
Amazing designs were created and set out to dry

Finger painting made a come back
Other students have been tidying the weedy path and it is looking good

A spud hunt started


The younger students have done a tour of the school, picking native plants and making them into cuttings

All the native seeds and cuttings found in the School grounds

Duntroon School gets planting. They also celebrate a soup day and learning in the classroom.

The Waitaki Communiy Gardens received Lotteries Commission grants to give out to 10 lucky School Garden Clubs.  Duntroon School received a $400 grant. The students and School Garden Co-ordinators, Mischa, Paige and Megan made up a wish list .

Hazelnuts, blueberry, cranberry, chestnut, pear and apple trees were purchased and a mass planting got underway.

Students excavated the worm farm for the vermicast to add to the soil for the new plantings

Some of the youngest students dug the first whole

River gives the soup a thumbs up.  As garden club did a fundraiser during lunchtime with a a potato soup from the school garden spuds.
Tasty soup Mischa!!!

Room 4 have been enjoying Kids Growing curriculum in their classroom each week.  Recently they made their own compost bags from food scraps.  It was amazing to see the bags bio-degrade so quickly!!! within no time it looked like black soil!! 

Students dug it into their class's garden patch
Student's love their new tunnel house! it was recently constructed and so warm inside

st josephs seniors make a bird house from recycled materials

Senior students of St Joseph's have been making bird houses
Recycled materials were gathered from the community and students set to deconstructing them

It is a bit like The Block, as they decided to do a girls vs boys challenge.
The girls opting for a fine mini house, while the boys are goings for a larger style.  Watch this space

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Kakanui School get Garden Club get growing

Rock Art and plant labelling were a huge success at Kakanui School.
Check out their cool designs. The bees are for bee food.
The carrot shaped rock was  good find.
The whole group got involved in the activity

Students made a start on clearing an old glasshouse patch out and thouht a herb garden for the pizza oven would be great
Trimming the over grown hedge
Planting natives up by the chicken house.  Giving them a dose of compost.