Sunday 15 May 2016

Glenavy Makes Microgreen Heads

On Tuesday, May 10th, Room 4 at Glenavy School made mini-microgreen gardens in recycled tin cans. The weather was cloudy and overcast, but that didn't stop us from gardening and doing a science experiment inside! Each student in the class decorated their own can and chose what seeds to plant. Each student planted 10 seeds in their tin--mostly lettuce, chives or edible flowers.
Here are some of the things we created and learned....
 "There is science in the garden"

 "We learned what a hypothesis is"

 "We learned what microgreens are"

 As part of our learning process, we discussed the Scientific Method and developed some hypotheses-- an educated guess in a science experiment. We estimated the "strike rate" or what percentage of our seeds would grow in different growing conditions.

Here are our hypotheses: 70% of seeds will grow in the tunnel house, 75% will grow in the shade house, 50% will grow inside in the class window, and 20% will grow inside with no light.
 We'll keep you posted on the results of our experiment!
Microgreen heads in the shade house

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